Decisive Technologies, LLC is a small business located in Southern New Jersey specialized in Oracle technology services. We have more than a decade of experience with mission critical information systems across industries. Our commitment to delivery of professional services is without reproach.

Paul P. Brooks, Sr.
Principal Consultant

Paul has 17 years of experience with information systems in financial, health care and public sector industries. Responsible for the management of large technical projects, Paul relies on model development and system thinking to deliver solutions to our customers. Paul has served in capacities of technical leader, manager and principal database consultant leading to successful implementations. Paul has earned a BS and MBA in Management Information Systems and retains an Oracle Certified Professional certification since 1999.

Decisive Technologies
P.O. Box 857 | Sewell, NJ 08080
Phone: (856) 468-0118 | Fax: (856) 468-6541